




Passant souviens-toi


Passing by, remember…

“Il restera de toi ce que tu as donné.” Simone Veil

In 1944, the retirement home which was also an hospital, was run by some religious women led by Sister Marie-Alice VIDAL.

Refugees arrived in Pierrefort. Among them, the COHEN-SOLAL Jew family who had fled Marseille and felt threatened.

The young pregnant woman and her two-year-old daughter Jacqueline were welcomed by Sister Marie-Alice. Her husband joined a unit in the maquis. Indeed, a centre gathering maquisards had being developed in Pierrefort.

Sister Marie-Alice and other ones did their best for their young clandestine resident’s childbirth. The baby was born on August 1st 1944 and is called Mauricette, a non-Jew name in order to clear all suspicion. Emmanuel TODT -Jean TODT’s father- who was a doctor in Pierrefort at that time, took part in the childbirth.

Sister Marie-Alice was aware about the risks she was facing but she also hid wounded maquisards and stood up to German soldiers enquiring in the hospital.

Many years later, Jacqueline will do her best to make SISTER Marie-Alice recognized as a “Righteous among the nations” by Yad Vashem Institute on January 27 1993.

Pierrefort has been part of the network “towns and villages of the Righteous in France” since 2019.

Les Justes


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